Forest Fire! can be purchased at The game is called Forest Fire! (includes all of the parts needed), but there are also several replacement (or extra) parts.
[Click here to see ‘Play Notes’ page]
Game Overview:
Forest Fire! was inspired by a little boy who loves fighting fires. The game is set in a densely wooded yet populated area where forest fires often occur. When fires start, players work together to put them out and save houses and schools.
Players use several fire fighting approaches – bulldozers, water, helicopters and chemical extinguishers.
As the game progresses, environmental factors like wind and drought change, affecting the frequency, intensity, and spreading speed of fires, simulating the effects of climate change.
Here is a video on how to play Forest Fire!
Please note: The rules seem long and complicated, but the actual play is not. These cards are included and show what each turn is like:

Available now:
Forest Fire! [the complete game, includes deluxe board, all pieces, rules, cards]
Forest Fire! with card stock board [complete game with cheaper board]